Наукові конференції України, Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «100 -річчя формування національних сортових рослинних ресурсів України»

Розмір шрифту: 
L. I. Kucher, T. R. Kucher, V. I. Voithechivskyi, E. M. Beregniak

Остання редакція: 2023-10-18

Тези доповіді

During the two-hundred-year period of development of coal deposits in Ukraine, in the process of storage of the rock mass exposed to the surface, more than one and a half thousand rock dumps were formed, in which about 4 billion tons of "empty" rock mass accumulated. The process of landfilling continues to this day – about 40 million m3 of rock is dumped annually. The problem of mine dumps is especially acute for large and small settlements of Donbas, where high dumps (tericons) have become an integral part of the landscape. Subsoil exploitation has a significant impact on the environment. Large areas of agricultural land are taken out of use, soil and forests are damaged, the hydrological regime of large areas changes and their productivity decreases, even the topography of the area and the movement of air currents change. Man-made ecotopes are characterized by the extreme degree of violation of the interrelationships of these properties and refer to specific objects on which the settlement and growth of plants depends on many factors, one of which is the state of the edaphotope. The speed of overgrowth and soil formation on rocks depends on climatic factors, on the properties of the rocks and on the nature of the vegetation.

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