Наукові конференції України, VI Міжнародна нпк молодих вчених "Селекція, генетика та технології вирощування сільськогосподарських культур"

Розмір шрифту: 
‘Skarb’ - variety of romaine lettuce
О. В. Позняк

Остання редакція: 2018-04-19

Тези доповіді

In modern conditions of the development of the agricultural manufacturing in Ukraine the branch of vegetable-growing is based on creation and usage of the up-to-date innovative products. Innovative breeding elaborations are directed on creation of high-productive, adapted to the natural climatic conditions of Ukraine varieties of vegetable plants which have medical and preventive, protective characteristics, are attractive, fit for long storage, processing, mechanical gathering and possess other features of rise of the competitiveness of the products.

In this context receiving of the competitive assortment of rare, not traditional for a certain region, varieties of lettuce is topical for breeding researches. To such belong, in particular, celery lettuce, or romaine lettuce.

At the research station «Mayak» of the Institute of Vegetables and Melons of NAAS of Ukraine a variety of lettuce romaine lettuce ‘Skarb’ was created (Patent №150238).

The seeds of the created variety are of brown color. The seedling shows no appearance of anthocyan. The leafas per lobing is not parted, as per diameter it is big. The head is tight, big, its form in the lengthwise cut is narrow-elliptical. As per position the leaves are erect. As per thickness the leaf is thick, its position by gathering ripeness (exernal leaves) is erect. As per form the leaf is elliptical. The form of the top of the leaf is blunt. The leaves are dark green, without display of anthocyan colour. From the front side the leaf is moderately glossy. The leafis moderately papuliferous, papulas are of medium size.Undulationand lobing of the edge of the leaf are absent. Venation of the leaf is not flabellate. Lateral development is absent.

It takes 48 days from the mass seedlings to commercial ripeness, the period of validity – 20 days. The seeds ripen on the 108th day.

Crop yield of the commercial heads of the new variety is 32 t/ha. Weight of one plant is 810,0 g, weight of one head – 556,0 g. The head is tight. The advantage of the new variety is its drought resistance, capacity to form commercial heads in conditions of drought and high temperatures by outdoor growing.

The variety of the lettuce – romaine lettuce ‘Skarb’ is recommended for introduction in agricultural establishments of all forms of ownership and management and in private housing for outdoor and indoor planting in all zones of Ukraine.

Full Text: PDF (English)