Наукові конференції України, Міжнародна науково-практична конференція "Генетичне та сортове різноманіття рослин для покращення якості життя людей"

Розмір шрифту: 
Мобілізація і збереження генетичних ресурсів рослин для майбутніх поколінь: 126-річний досвід ВІР
М. І. Дзюбенко, Т. М. Смекалова

Остання редакція: 2017-04-21

Тези доповіді

Since the establishment of the Bureau of Applied Botany (1894), the predecessor of VIR, and until today, the All-Russia Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) maintains and replenishes the collection of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, today has more than 320,000 samples of crops and their wild relatives from around the world, members of the 64 families, 376 genera and 2169 species. The collection is a scientific material for studies aimed at ensuring food, environmental and bioresource safety of Russia and solving the task of collecting, preserving, comprehensive studying and active use in breeding programs of the world’s plant genetic diversity. The most numerous collections stored in the VIR are: wheat, triticale, Aegilops - about 5200 accessions, groats crops - approx.. 49000 acc., grain legumes - more than 45000 acc. In the branch of VIR «Kuban genetic seed bank» there are stored about 258 000 seed samples of VIR collection; in a cryo-storage and in vitro are about 1500 accessions. The VIR is maintaining working collection of a DNA including 1584 samples (3598 genotypes). In to the Arctic Gene Bank (Svalbard Global Seed Vault), 2219 samples were laid. On the fields and in laboratories of the institute and in the branches (experimental stations), more than 1,500 samples per year are studied including complex study of about 5000. A donors of valuable traits are created and the sources of them are highlighted. methods for the study and preservation of the collection are developed and modified. The enrichment of the collection occurs mainly as a result of collecting missions on the territory of Russia and foreign countries. Every year, the collection is replenished in an average by 1830 samples. Currently, data on research and the collection of certain crop groups on the territory of the former Soviet Union by expeditions of VIR in the 2000s; the area to search for and collect valuable genotypes are defined. Electronic route maps of VIR expeditions for the years 2000-2010 are created. An important tool to optimize the work on the mobilization of plant genetic resources to the collection is an Electronic Atlas of areas of crops and their wild relatives.

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