Наукові конференції України, Міжнародна науково-практична конференція "Генетичне та сортове різноманіття рослин для покращення якості життя людей"

Розмір шрифту: 
Сортові ресурси тритикале ярого в Україні
В. К. Рябчун, В. С. Мельник, Т. Б. Капустіна

Остання редакція: 2017-04-21

Тези доповіді

The planned creation of breeding material of spring triticale was initiated 40 years ago at the Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev of NAAS (PPI), Kharkiv. There are described the history of creation and characteristics of varieties of Kharkiv breeding. In Ukraine, 14 varieties of spring triticale are included in to the State Register, 10 of them are bred in the PPI. All Kharkiv varieties are genetically protected from loose smut and bunt, powdery mildew, high tolerant to leaf and yellow rust, Septoria, spots, root rots and ergot. They are suitable for producing organic products. The varieties have high cold resistance and therefore can be sown in the very early time. The best level of resistance to drought have a variety Korovay kharkіvsky, Darhlіba kharkіvsky, Borivіter kharkіvsky. Their yields at a sufficient availability of moisture on average agricultural background is of 6-7 t/ha. Stable good baking hsve the variety Darhlіba harkіvsky. The varietal diversity allows grown spring triticale on the most part of territory of Ukraine as a main and insurance crop for producing food and fodder grain.

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