Остання редакція: 2017-05-29
Тези доповіді
Effects of introgressions of a chromosome 1D segment from wheat/Elymus hexaploid 352 /00 (WEH 352 /00) to winter wheat lines on baking properties of flour (gluten content and quality, flour strength, dough resilience and extensibility) were studied using storage protein (gliadin) loci as genetic markers. Gliadin Gli-D1 locus served as a marker of the introgression.
WEH 352 /00 has high 1000-seed weight (to 55–57 g) and high gluten content in flour (to 38 %). It was crossed with varieties bred by the Plant Production Institute n.a. V.Ya. Yuryev with high potential productivity and resistance to unfavorable factors - ‘Doridna’, ‘Spalakh’, ‘Alians’, ‘Gordovyta’, ‘Kharus’. The effects were investigated in F5-F6 hybrids. The presence of the gliadin marker was determined by one-dimentional PAGE electrophoresis in acidic medium.