Наукові конференції України, Міжнародна нпк «Селекція — надбання, сучасність, майбутнє (освіта, наука, виробництво)»

Розмір шрифту: 
Conservation of species diversity as a way of economic and social development
Mykola S. Moroz

Остання редакція: 2017-06-01

Тези доповіді

Ukraine has 35% of the potential of biodiversity in Europe and is a real powerful reserve for conservation and restoration for the entire continent. Being in close cooperation with the existing flora and fauna, insects play a vital function for the biological cycle of matter and energy, which occurs between organisms and their natural environment. Instability of spatial and temporal components of the biological community and habitats, will certainly affect the species richness of insects and, consequently, the diversity of ecosystems. Ukraine agricultural sector occupies 75% of the territory and the dominant social and economic factors. One formed an opinion on the need to find modern theoretical and practical basis for further study as agro sphere expanded paradigm to address the welfare of creation and preservation of a favorable environment for life. The current threat to the existence of insects in ecosystems is not only an environmental problem but also an obstacle to sustainable economic and social development. Replacing natural flora on a limited list of crops agrocenosis is a powerful stress factor for the native species of insects that affects the quantity and quality of their populations. The formation of biotic complexes in agrocenoses directly affect all components of the process of growing crops. Changes of anthropogenic, biotic and abiotic origin affect the mechanisms of adaptation of natural insect groups and reflect their morphological, physiological, genetic condition. The presence or introduction of fodder plants with different ecological strategy just differently affect ontogenesis, ethology, polyphagia, and spread of insect herbivores.

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