Розмір шрифту: 
Optimization of reproduction of predatory pentatomidae - a path to rational nature management and conservation of biological resources
M. S. Moroz

Остання редакція: 2018-03-30

Тези доповіді

Most species of the Pentatomidae family are predatory insects. Ecological plasticity and the possibility of industrial breeding allows the use of Pentatomidae to limit the development of phytophages by the method of seasonal colonization. In Ukraine, the efficacy of Pentatomidae has been studied on the entomophagous Podisus maculiventris Say. and Perillus bioculatus Fabr. It is known that the potential victims of Podisus maculiventris Say. are more than 90 species of phytophages, mainly eggs and larvae of the Colorado potato beetle and Lepidoptera. Podisus maculiventris Say. is fed by different types of insects, but in mixed feed the survival rate of entomophage larvae increases and development accelerates.

The use of Podisys maculiventris Say. in Ukraine is promising, due to the wide polyphagia and significant adaptation to various a biotic factors. The disadvantage is that in the natural environment of Ukraine Podisys maculiventris Say. does not overwinter. Therefore, there is a need for artificial reproduction of Podisys maculiventris Say. and mass release in agrocenoses. For larvae and imago Podisus maculiventris Say. is characterized by a higher insipidity than for the corresponding stages of Perillus bioculatus Fabr. In Ukraine, Perillus bioculatus Fabr. is proposed as an effective entomophage of the Colorado potato beetle at all stages of development. Long-term studies have found that modification of qualitative and quantitative indicators of a diet leads to changes in the technological process, affects the biology of predators, their competition in biocenosiss.

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